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Trace: экспорт


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The FemtoScan Software is capable to convert the raster image data into the standard ASCII text format, as well as Tiff, Bitmap, Jpeg graphic data files and VRML file format for representing 3D vector graphics (see the table below for each particular case).

Please keep in mind when the data are exported into the text format the information about selections, labels and scales will be lost. In order to save the info when the data are exported into Tiff, Bitmap or Jpeg please change the value of the Export with decorations parameter.

Please also note that after the export you can use open file menu item only to get access to the Tiff, Bitmap or Jpeg files without the extra information about scales, labels and selections.

Type of FemtoScan Format Export Format
*.txt *.tif *.bmp *.jpg *.wrl
Curve and Surface Images + + + +
Cross Sections + + + +
Histograms + + + +
“Enum Features” Diagrams + + + +
Fourier Spectra + + +
3D Images + + + +

To export the file please use Export command in the File menu, then in the dialog box please specify the export file format.

Nota bene: The export of the image data into the text file format requires a considerable amount of disk space on your hard drive.

Please use the special option Batch Export... to export a large number of the images.