Image processing

FemtoScan Online program provides a wide range of image processing and analysis functions. The program is primarily focused on working with the SPM data - three-dimensional surface profile, force curves, arrays of force curves. The better you know the methods described here - the faster and easier you will obtain success in your work with SPM.

This section describes the principles of image processing, contains many examples of the use of algorithms and detailed descriptions of the program interface.

1. File formats

2. Image toolbar

3. Colour Mapping or Working with the colour palette

4. Functions from Mathematics menu Background alignment, smoothing filters, data conversion, some methods of analysis

5. Functions from Operations menu Data analysis

6. Functions from Edit menu Editing and working with the Clipboard

7. Functions from View menu Working with images, some general settings

8. Setting up the program

9. The menu structure

10. Preparing images for printing and presentation