Image Stitching

The Image Stitching function is similar to a function of panorama stitching in photo processing. If you have a set of images, made with an overlap of at least 10 %, the function Image stitching enables to combine them into one big image of the surface.

Before start make sure you have already processed all the images with standard filters, for example with Adjusting by lines and with surface fitting. Then select one of the images of the set as active and call the function Image Stitching from Mathematics menuCorrelation or use the button


A dialog box will appear. In this window you can see the list of opened files on the left and the quick view window on the right. Speсify the images which you want to stitch and press Select button.

Later on the stitching will begin. The process may take a while, about several minutes in case of large number of files. The results of the work are: the stitched image, a table of stithcing parameters (X and Y – offsets of each image on the final canvas relative to its lower left corner, and correlation coefficients in the pair).

Along with the results mentioned below the parameter dialog box will appear. In most cases, the parameters which are set in this dialog box by default, allow to obtain adequate quality of stitching. If you don't like the resulting image, try to reconfigure it.

It's time to figure out how the function works. The main idea of ​​this algorithm is to find a correlation between areas located on the edges of the frames. On the first step of the algorithm the program looks for local maximums of correlation. According to the strongest maximums the images are stitching. In the course of the algorithm it uses the following parameters (see the scheme):