[[http://www.femtoscanonline.com/|{{:fs_1.gif|FemtoScan Online}}]] ====== FemtoScan Online software====== [[::en:start|FemtoScan]] Online is designed primarily to process and analyse SPM images and to control the scanning probe microscope (SPM). It can also be used for electron and optical microscopy data analysis, and for processing of images in standard formats. The program runs on operating systems Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, as well as their server analogues -- Windows Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008, 2008 R2. [[http://www.femtoscanonline.com/Download.php|Download FemtoScan Online Software]] (Demo version. 30 days limitation period). [[http://www.nanoscopy.net/catalog/index.php?language=en|Buy software]] [[http://www.youtube.com/femtoscanonline|Our video channel]] (Video tutorials on Youtube) Scientists from all over the world use [[::en:start|FemtoScan]] Online to process and analyze their AFM-data. [[::en:start:Publications|Publications list]] =====Table of Contents===== - Introduction * [[introduction:license|Licensing]] * [[introduction:install|How to install]] * [[introduction:license activation|License Activation]] * [[processing:типы_данных|SPM data formats]] Height, Deflection, Amplitude, Friction, Force curve, Force volume, ... - Program structure and general settings * [[processing:main_window|Program main window]] * [[file:опции|General Options]] * [[processing:меню|Full menu structure]] * [[глоссарий|Alphabetical list of operations and functions]] - Image processing * [[processing:окно_изображения_поверхности|Surface Image window]] * [[processing:format|Supported file formats]] *.spm, *.mdt, *.aist, *.000 and many others * [[processing:панель_инструментов|Image toolbar]] * [[processing:выделение|Area Selection]] * [[processing:сечения|Build Sections]] * [[processing:линейка|Length measurements]] * [[processing:транспортир|Angle measurements]] * [[processing:выделение_кривых|Curve Selection]] * [[processing:метки|Marks]] * [[processing:подсветка|Creating the effect of illumination on the image]] * [[processing:инверсия_палитры|Color inversion]] * [[processing:палитра|How to work with color palette?]] * [[processing:меню_математика|Mathematics menu]] Alignment of the background, smoothing filters, data conversion, some methods of image analysis * [[processing:макрос|Macros...]] * [[processing:calibration|Calibration]] * [[processing:axes|Axes]] * [[processing:set_z_zerro|Set zero level on Z]] * [[processing:обрезать|Crop]] * [[processing:инвертировать|Invert]] * [[processing:усреднение|Average]] * [[processing:увеличить_резкость|Sharpen]] * [[processing:фильтр_винера|Wiener filter]] * [[processing:медианный_фильтр|Median filter]] * [[processing:медиана_х|Median filter Х]] * [[processing:медианный_фильтр_крест|Median filter cross]] * [[processing:оптимизировать_шкалу|Adjust scale]] * [[processing:транспонировать_изображение|Flip]] * [[processing:поворот|Rotate]] * [[processing:выравнивание|Fitting]] * [[processing:выравнивание_сплайном|Spline fitting]] * [[processing:сгладить_участок|Smooth area]] * [[processing:арифметика|Arithmetics]] * [[processing:расширение|Dilate]] * [[processing:эрозия|Erode]] * [[processing:моделирование_зонда|Tip modeling]] * [[processing:анализ_шероховатости|Roughness analysis]] * [[processing:анализ_выделенных_областей|Selected area analysis]] * [[processing:пороговая_фильтрация|Threshold]] * [[processing:высота_по_интерференционной_картине|Height from interferience figure]] * [[processing:найти_центр_масс|Find center of mass]] * [[processing:анализ_зерен|Object analysis]] * [[processing:усреднение_по_строкам|Adjust scan by lines]] * [[processing:исправление_искажений|Dewarping]] * [[processing:выделить_зерна|Separate grains]] * [[processing:выделить_гарницы|Detect edges]] * [[processing:линейные_фильтры|Linear filtering]] * [[processing:корреляция|Correlation]] * [[processing:персистентная_длина|Persistence length]] * [[processing:меню_операции|Operations menu]] Data Analysis * [[processing:создать_копию|Duplicate]] * [[processing:посторить_3d|Build 3D View]] * [[processing:фурье|Fourier]] * [[processing:гистограмма|Histogram]] * [[processing:выделить_объекты|Enum Features]] * [[processing:найти_ступеньки|Find Steps]] * [[processing:преобразовать_кривую_в_сечение|Convert Curve to Section]] ((Is active when at least one curve is constructed on the image)) * [[processing:создать_калибровочную_кривую|Create Calibration Curve]] ((Is active when at least one curve is constructed on the image)) * [[processing:изменить_размер|Resample]] * [[edit:start|Edit menu]] Edit functions and working with clipboard * [[Edit:отмена|Undo]] * [[Edit:повтор|Redo]] * [[Edit:копия|Copy]] * [[Edit:копия_текста|Copy text]] * [[Edit:добавить_текст|Add text]] * [[Edit:измерить_расстояние_и_высоту|Measure Distance and Height]] ((Is available when surface image is active)) * [[Edit:инвертировать_выделение|Inverse selection]] ((Is available when surface image with area selection is active)) * [[processing:view:|View menu]] Working with images, some general settings - [[processing:обработка_силовых_измерений|Processing force curves and force maps]] - [[control:|Working with the microscope]] - [[learning:|Learning]] - [[howto:|Examples]] and usefull articles about FemtoScan Online * [[processing:visualisation|Prepare images for printing and presentation]] * [[palette:start|Create your oun palettes. Wich color palette is the best in every particular case]] * [[processing:найти_структурный_элемент|How to prepare a cover for "Nature". Increase the resolution on the images of periodic structures]] * [[data-transfer:start|How to carry out multiple measurements on the image faster. Data transfer via the clipboard]] - [[ошибка|Error messages and ideas on modernisation]]