===== Roughness parameters ===== Surface roughness is an aggregate description of surface unevenness with a relatively small steps, selected by base line or by base plane for example. In FemtoScan Online program it is possible to evaluate surface roughness for the surface image as well as for the selected section. In the first case one need to call this function from the [[меню_математика|menu Mathematics]] / [[анализ_шероховатости|Roughness analisys]]. In the second case one should select the section of interest and call the function from the [[меню_кривая|menu Curve]] / [[анализ_шероховатости|Roughness analisys]]. The folowing parameters will be displayed for the surface analysis: {{:processing:roughness_1.jpg|}}. Additional parameters, related to the signal periodicity, will be desplayed in case of section analysis: {{:processing:roughness_2.jpg|}}. Let us examine these parameters in more details. * [[ra|R_a средняя шероховатость]] * [[rmax|R_max наибольшая высота профиля]] * [[rq|R_q среднеквадратичная шероховатость]] * [[rsk|R_sk параметр ассиметрии]] * [[rku|R_ku мера эксцесса]] * [[rz|R_z высота неровностей профиля по 10 точкам]] * [[sm|S_m средний период]] * [[smh_sml|S_mh средний период по пикам]] * [[smh_sml|S_ml средний период по впадинам]]