===== Tip modeling ===== This feature allows you to create and engineer various forms of probes (cone, advanced cone, pyramid, whisker) based on some well-known geometrical parameters. Subsequently, the created images of the probes can be used in morphological filters [[расширение|Dilation]] and [[эрозия|Erosion]]. This function can be called up using command **Probe modeling** from [[меню_математика|menu Mathematics]] or by pressing the button {{:en:processing:tip_modeling_1.jpg}}. {{:en:processing:tip_modeling_2.jpg}} In the **Parameters** window, you can choose the shape of the modeled probe (parameter **Type**), change geometric parameters of the model corresponding to the selected shape, and set the resolution of the needle image (parameter **Resolution**). * Cone. The model of the cone is a truncated cone that gradually turns into a sphere at the top. This model is defined using two geometric parameters - the angle of convergence (parameter **Angle**) and the probe tip radius (parameter **Radius**). {{:processing:tip_modeling_3.jpg}} * Advanced cone. The model of an advanced cone is a complex version of a cone. The difference lies in the fact that its tip ends in another small sphere. This model is defined using three geometric parameters - the angle of convergence (parameter **Angle**), the probe tip radius (parameter **Radius1**) and the radius of the small sphere (parameter **Radius2**). * Pyramid. The model of a pyramid is a regular geometric pyramid. It is defined by a single parameter - height. * Whisker. The shape of a whisker is represented by a combination of two very sharp peaks of different height. The model is defined by four parameters - the radius of the spike (**Radius**), the angle of orientation of one spike relative to another in a plane perpendicular to their direction (Angle), the distance between them in the same plane (**Distance**) and the difference in height between the spikes (**Height difference, nm**).