===== Marks ===== Labels can be placed on the image using a special tool. {{:processing:marks.jpg|}} The type of labels is defined in [[view|View menu]] -> [[view_стиль_меток|Marks style]]. If you select field **Numbering**, a sequence number will be displayed next to each label. Labels can be displayed in the form of **Arrows** or **V-like** ticks. {{:processing:marks_1.jpg|}}{{:processing:marks_2.jpg|}} To remove a label, place the cursor over it. When a cross appears on the right of the cursor, press the left mouse button and the label will be removed. Or you can remove all labels at once using the following command: [[view|View menu]] -> [[view_очистить|Clear]] -> **Marks**. МLabels can be moved while holding down the Shift key. When you switch to another tool from the [[панель_инструментов|toolbar]], labels remain unchanged.